"My husband and I have known about Spain’s VaughanTown for over 20 years, and we have heard unqualified enthusiasm from friends and colleagues who have participated in the program during that time.

2019 was our year to jump in and give this six-day volunteer vacation a try ourselves, starting with a three-hour group bus ride from Madrid with our students!

Much of the time in between is spent in a rotation of one-on-one 50 minute sessions that go on each day as one Anglo and one Spaniard go for country walks together or share a coffee on the terrace or in the huge lounge overlooking a panorama of mountain scenery.

Other times are spent on planning group activities … all in English! … like costumed skits or presentations with plenty of laughs and encouragement all round."

Read the full article here

"I’ve attended the VaughanTown program three times over the years. Each time, the program lasted one week and I got to meet so many great people from Spain and around the world. I always add a few extra days on each end so I have some time to enjoy the rest of Spain too.

The one-week program is an ‘immersive’ language course for a group of Spanish professionals who are learning and building fluency in English. As one of the English teachers, or ‘Anglos’, you don’t actually need any teaching experience. You just need to speak English the way you normally do, giving the students a taste of how people really speak in the real world, accents and all!

The program has been running for years, so as an Anglo everything runs smoothly. There is a pickup and introductory meeting arranged in Madrid where you get a chance to meet the other Anglos, before being whisked off to the program location. There are many perks to joining this program – you get to travel in Spain, volunteer, meet great people, while your food and accommodation is covered throughout the week. Another great perk… lots of great wine!"

Read the full article here

"Around 10 years ago I read a newspaper article about taking a holiday volunteering to speak English in Spain, it sounded too good to be true, who on earth would gain any benefit from my English vocabulary, and more to the point, why would they give me free accommodation in a nice hotel, food and wine for a week to simply talk, I could do that until the cows come home, I am constantly being reminded I can "Talk for Ireland".

I registered on the Vaughan Town website but that was as far as it got.

I did what we all do, procrastinate. I thought about it from time to time, kept an eye on the website, looked at reviews, read testimonials, and all the usual stuff. Work, family life and an inability to create some "Me Time" meant 10 years passed before I bit the bullet.

I finally pressed the nuclear button on the VaughanTown website.

My God, Vaughan Town accepted me, were they mad?...

...The week passed all too quickly, it was a pleasure to witness the interaction between generations, nationalities, life experiences and real stories making it such a genuine and real experience, the people were all absolutely brilliant, there were email addresses and phone numbers exchanged, promised to meetups and reunions, as I am writing this a few of the Anglos and Spaniards have met up already for a night out in Madrid, all I can say is thank you Vaughan Town for such a fantastic experience..."


Read the full article here

VaughanTown Videos

VaughanTown is a cultural and linguistic exchange between native English volunteers and Spanish students of English. On the weekly program English speakers exchange conversation for room and board and Spanish speakers get to practice their linguistic skills in English. Native English speakers from all around the world are welcome to join in this volunteer program in the heart of the Spanish countryside. It's an opportunity to meet new people and share your knowledge and culture whilst learning about the Spanish ways of life too!