"Around 10 years ago I read a newspaper article about taking a holiday volunteering to speak English in Spain, it sounded too good to be true, who on earth would gain any benefit from my English vocabulary, and more to the point, why would they give me free accommodation in a nice hotel, food and wine for a week to simply talk, I could do that until the cows come home, I am constantly being reminded I can "Talk for Ireland".
I registered on the Vaughan Town website but that was as far as it got.
I did what we all do, procrastinate. I thought about it from time to time, kept an eye on the website, looked at reviews, read testimonials, and all the usual stuff. Work, family life and an inability to create some "Me Time" meant 10 years passed before I bit the bullet.
I finally pressed the nuclear button on the VaughanTown website.
My God, Vaughan Town accepted me, were they mad?...
...The week passed all too quickly, it was a pleasure to witness the interaction between generations, nationalities, life experiences and real stories making it such a genuine and real experience, the people were all absolutely brilliant, there were email addresses and phone numbers exchanged, promised to meetups and reunions, as I am writing this a few of the Anglos and Spaniards have met up already for a night out in Madrid, all I can say is thank you Vaughan Town for such a fantastic experience..."
Read the full article here